Wednesday, 8 July 2009

gloucester cathedral ♥

a thousand million years ago, i posted this, about the city of gloucester, which is near where i live
i mentioned it's loooovely cathedral, & the fact that some scenes from harry potter were filmed there
a few of you asked to see more pictures &, rubbish blogger that i am, i haven't been able to provide them!
but, on sunday, i finally visited the cathedral (and spent far too long in there!) and managed to snap some photos for you
i had to do it secretly though, there were no cameras allowed that day! shhh!
but anyway, i hope you enjoy them.
i absolutely love this place -- it's so staggeringly beautiful, & it's no surprise to me at least that a few scenes in hogwarts castle were filmed here :)

(sorry this was so image heavy! ♥)


M. said...

it's really beautiful! and i hadn't idea that some harry potter's scenes were filmed there...

love the photos, congrats!

Kate said...

I can't believe you actually went to one of the Harry Potter sets, lucky you! It looks like a really beautiful cathedral. I'm so excited about the film on wednesday, are you? (: x

DaisyChain said...

so gorgeous!
I love Wells cathedral too <3

Raquel said...

oh it's beautiful!!
ah and can't wait to see the new HP movie next week, though the books rule over!

Unknown said...

It definitely is beautiful! No wonder you spent so long in there!

Nicola said...

That place is breathtaking. I it frightening that I am so excited about the new Harry potter film that I cried when I saw the trailer on TV? Not full on but y'know, haha.s

Sadie's Wardrobe said...

This just made me really excited about harry potter!
What a stunning cathedral!