Monday, 15 June 2009

hellooooo everybody!
sorry my posting has been so sporadic as of late
& i've been so terribly, terribly useless at commenting back D:
i promise i do read all of your lovely blogs, though!
unfortunately my posting will continue to be kind of on and off for a while
as i recently broke up with my boyfriend
& am spending most of my time being glum D:

in slightly more exciting news, clothes! yay!
i bought this soft soft soft oversized jumper today
the moment i saw it i knew it'd be perfect for cuddling up in on cold summer nights :D
&, i know that wellies are not perhaps the most fashionable of shoes
but i'm trying to get used to wearing them because i'm going to glastonbury soon!
i'm very excited.
i'll be there for my birthday!
which is in a whole eleven days. i'll be seventeen! that's massive.
anyway i hope you're all alright :)
i promise i'll get around to commenting & what not soon ♥

jumper, shorts, tights: new look
wellies: who knows!


Kate said...

Aww I hope you're alright (: Your jumper looks so nice by the way, I think I have a similar one but from Topshop, perfect for just lounging around outside when it gets cold in the evenings and stuff (: Have an amazing time at Glastonbury, I wish I was going! x

DaisyChain said...

Glastonbury...lucky thing!

l said...

Cute cute cute outfit! I hope you have fun on your birthday!

Amelia said...

That jumper is really cute! I love the fit--utilitarian, but fun.

Brown and Cappuccino said...

so confortable... in your country the weather it´s cold?

kiss from Portugal and have a nice weekend****


Raquel said...

oh I'm sorry for you, but know you'll be ok! :)
that's a perfect outfit for festival's, though here it's so hot even at night now that I'd melt. I wish I could go to one of the many festivals we have all summer but that's ok.
have a lovely weekend darling!

Sadie's Wardrobe said...

Ooh, I went to glastonbury last year! It's an amazing experience!
And it's definitely advisable to test out your wellies beforehand - you pretty much live in them for 5 days.
Ah I wish I was going this year :)

queen atika said...

cute pictures! even though u just broke up, keep smiling :D! oh wow 17?! cool. whats Glastonbury?